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Healing Tips

Words of wisdom from Steelton Family Practice’s Dr. Shaikh, who happens to be a published author of the book Healing Tips for the Mind, Body, and Soul.


Oct 14, 2019

The most healthy person Is the Physician. Who act on the advise he give to others.

Ability to act upon the advise, only possible if Physician have empathy, feel their pain,  walk with them, suffer with them, only way to heel themselves, help the patients,  gain ability to be a walk the talk. Only than Physicians walk become loud and clear, Patients will understand a lot better, will able to sense that, become more, receptive,  recovery and new healthy beginning, both learn from each other win win for both. Safe distance and compliment to each other no clash, learning to heel self, help other become a new order.

About Steelton Family Practice

Using our resources and expertise to help patients heal their “whole selves.” We use a patient-centered treatment approach to improve health outcomes, including traditional medicine, education, and more.

How Do You Heal?

People are multi-dimensional. Therefore, we need to address our physical health, mental, emotional – and even spiritual health to achieve true overall wellness.

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Nurture Your Wellness

Check back regularly to find complement your traditional medical care with inspiration through Dr. Shaikh’s healing tips and insights for well-being.